Deep linking
Setup Deeplink

Setup Deeplink

In this guide, we'll integrate the deep linking for the Android and iOS Apps

Android Setup

  1. Create a file named assetlinks.json and add namespace, package and sha256
  2. Upload the assetlinks.json file to the website ( (opens in a new tab))
  3. Add intent-filter with domain, path, scheme, etc in the activity tag of AndroidManifest.xml
  4. meta-data flutter_deeplinking_enabled to the activity tag
  5. To test deep links, Execute the following command in the terminal
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW \
-c android.intent.category.BROWSABLE \
-d [](
  1. Test it in physical device, Send the url to any of the notes app and click the link.

For more info: Android App Links (opens in a new tab)

iOS Setup

  1. Add Associated Domain capability. Prefix the domain with applinks:
  2. Create a new file named apple-app-site-association with no file extension. Add details like appIds (teamId.BundleID), components (url path), etc
  3. It must be uploaded in the ( (opens in a new tab)), needs to be served with content type (application/json) but without the file extension
  4. Add FlutterDeepLinkingEnabled to the Info.plist file
  5. To test deep links, Use xcrun simctl openurl booted []( (opens in a new tab))
  6. Test it in physical device, Send the url to any of the notes app and click the link

For more info: iOS Universal Link (opens in a new tab)

For Deferred Deep Linking

Checkout - (opens in a new tab)