3 iOS Appstore

Deploy to iOS TestFlight

Note: we are showing here how to deploy your app to Apple TestFlight. Please follow Apple's documentation (opens in a new tab) on how to deploy to the App Store.

Register app

If this is a brand-new app, you first need to register a unique Bundle ID and a unique App Name with Apple.

  1. Register the Bundle ID (opens in a new tab) e.g. com.mycompany.appname. This is important and cannot be changed later on. You'll also need this ID later in this document.
Add Bundle ID
  1. Create a New App (opens in a new tab) using a unique App Name and this Bundle ID. The App Name is how your app will eventually be searchable and appear in the App Store.
Add App

Preparing Ensemble for uploading

  • Make sure you completed the Preparing your App step, including following the starter repo's README instruction to configure and run your App.

  • Navigate to the app folder (e.g. my_first_app).

  • Under ios folder, open Runner.xcworkspace with XCode (opens in a new tab).

    • Select the Team (Apple Account) used to create the App and Bundle ID. You may need to log in to your Apple Developer Account under XCode > Preferences > Accounts.

    • Under Signing & Capabilities, ensure the Bundle Identifier matches exactly your Bundle ID above.

      Update App configs
    • Under Info, find the Bundle display name key and update its value to your desire name (e.g. My First App). This is the name that shows up once your App has been installed. This doesn't have to exactly match your App Name, and can be shorter so its name is not cut off under the App icon.

      Add App
  • Run flutter build ipa --no-tree-shake-icons. This will create the ipa file at /build/ios/ipa/my_first_app.ipa.

  • Download Apple’s Transporter (opens in a new tab) and login with the same Apple account. Drop the ipa file into the Transporter App then click Deliver.

    • This may take 5-10 minutes AFTER upload completes before the build shows up under Your App Name > TestFlight tab, plus another 10-15 minutes to complete processing.
  • Click to manage Apple's app compliance by answering the questions. Update App configs

  • You can now invite your team members to install your App under Internal Testing. Each person can download the app via TestFlight.