logEvent action allows you to track analytics events and user interactions using either Firebase Analytics or MoEngage.
Property | Type | Description | Default |
provider | String | Analytics provider ("firebase" or "moengage") | "firebase" |
operation | String | Operation to perform (see provider-specific operations) | "logEvent" |
name | String | Name of the event to track (required for Firebase and MoEngage trackEvent) | - |
parameters | Object | Additional parameters for events | {} |
value | Any | Value for MoEngage operations (location, user attributes etc) | - |
attributeKey | String | Key for MoEngage custom attributes | - |
logLevel | enum | Log level ("info", "debug", "fatal") | "info" |
onSuccess | Action | Action to execute on success | - |
onError | Action | Action to execute on error | - |
userId | String | User ID for Firebase setUserId operation | - |
Firebase Provider
Firebase provider enables basic analytics event tracking and user identification.
logEvent (Default)
Logs an analytics event to Firebase. Requires name and optional parameters.
label: Track Purchase
name: purchase_complete
amount: 99.99
currency: USD
Sets the user identifier for Firebase Analytics.
provider: firebase
operation: setUserId
userId: "user123"
MoEngage Provider
MoEngage provider enables comprehensive user engagement features including event tracking, user attributes, and in-app messaging.
MoEngage User Profile Operations
Operation | Description | Required Properties |
setUniqueId | Sets a unique identifier for a user. This should be a unique and consistent identifier for the user across sessions. | value (String) |
setUserName | Tracks full name as a user attribute. | value (String) |
setFirstName | Tracks first name portion as a separate user attribute. | value (String) |
setLastName | Tracks last name portion as a separate user attribute. | value (String) |
setEmail | Tracks user's email ID as attribute for communication and identification. | value (String) |
setPhoneNumber | Tracks user's phone number as attribute for communication. | value (String) |
setBirthDate | Sets user's birth date. Must be in ISO format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.fff'Z' | value (ISO date string) |
setGender | Sets user's gender for demographic data. | value (enum: male/female) |
setAlias | Updates user's unique ID that was previously set via setUniqueId. Use this to migrate IDs. | value (String) |
setLocation | Sets user's geographic location for location-based targeting. | value (Object: {latitude: number, longitude: number}) |
setAppStatus | Indicates whether this is a fresh install or app update. | value (enum: install/update) |
MoEngage Custom Attributes
Operation | Description | Required Properties |
custom | Sets a custom user attribute. Supports primitive types (String, Number, Boolean), arrays of primitives, and valid JSON objects/arrays. Cannot be empty. | attributeKey (String), value (Any supported type) |
timestamp | Sets a date/time attribute in ISO format. | attributeKey (String), value (ISO date string) |
locationAttribute | Sets a location-based attribute for geo-targeting. | attributeKey (String), value ({latitude: number, longitude: number}) |
MoEngage Event & Campaign Operations
Operation | Description | Required Properties |
trackEvent | Tracks an analytics event with optional properties. Properties support same types as custom attributes. | name (String), parameters (Object, optional) |
showInApp | Shows an in-app message if one is available. | None |
showNudge | Shows a non-intrusive nudge notification. If position not specified, uses default position. | value (enum: top, bottom, bottomLeft, bottomRight, any) |
setContext | Sets the current context for in-app message targeting. Contexts determine when messages can be shown. | value (String[]) |
resetContext | Removes all previously set contexts for in-app targeting. | None |
MoEngage Push Notification Operations
Operation | Description | Required Properties |
registerForPush | Registers for push notifications (iOS only). | None |
registerForProvisionalPush | Registers for provisional push notifications (iOS only). | None |
passFCMToken | Passes Firebase Cloud Messaging token to SDK (Android only). | value (String - FCM token) |
passPushKitToken | Passes PushKit token to SDK (Android only). | value (String - PushKit token) |
passFCMPushPayload | Passes FCM push notification payload to SDK (Android only). | value (Object - FCM payload) |
requestPushPermission | Requests push notification permission (Android 13+). | None |
updatePermissionCount | Updates count of permission requests made. | value (Number) |
pushPermissionResponse | Notifies SDK about push permission response. | value (Boolean) |
MoEngage SDK Configuration Operations
Operation | Description | Required Properties |
enableSdk | Enables all SDK features. By default enabled. | None |
disableSdk | Disables all SDK features. | None |
enableDataTracking | Enables analytics tracking. By default enabled. | None |
disableDataTracking | Disables all analytics tracking. No events/attributes will be tracked. | None |
enableDeviceIdTracking | Enables device ID tracking (Android only). By default enabled. | None |
disableDeviceIdTracking | Disables device ID tracking (Android only). | None |
enableAndroidIdTracking | Enables Android ID tracking. By default disabled. | None |
disableAndroidIdTracking | Disables Android ID tracking. | None |
enableAdIdTracking | Enables advertising ID tracking. By default disabled. | None |
disableAdIdTracking | Disables advertising ID tracking. | None |
logout | Invalidates current user session and creates new one. | None |
deleteUser | Deletes current user data from MoEngage (Android only). Returns UserDeletionData. | None |
Track Event
provider: moengage
operation: trackEvent
name: "level_complete"
level: 5
score: 1000
Set User Profile
provider: moengage
operation: setUserName
value: "John Smith"
onSuccess: |
console.log("User name updated")
Show In-App Message
provider: moengage
operation: showInApp