Progress Indicator

Progress Indicator

The Progress Indicator Widget facilitates the rendering of visual progress indicators, providing users with visual feedback on the progress of tasks or operations within your application.

Test in Kitchen Sink (opens in a new tab)


countdownintegerShow the progress percentage based on the number of seconds specified here
onCountdownCompleteExecute this Action when the countdown comes to 0
stylesobjectSee properties


expandedbooleanIf the parent is a Row or Column, this flag will stretch this widget in the appropriate direction. (e.g stretch horizontally for parent of type Row)
backgroundColorBackground color, starting with '0xFF' for full opacity e.g 0xFFCCCCCC
sizeintegerSpecifies the width (progress bar) or the diameter (circular progress indicator)
thicknessintegerSpecifies the thickness of the indicator (for progress bar this is the height)