2 Social Signin

Configure Social Sign In for Deployment

Before deployment, you need to configure your own OAuth credentials plus specific setups for each platforms.

Setting up Sign In credentials

On Google's API Console, create your OAuth client ID for each platform (i.e. iOS, Android, Web).

For iOS, enter the bundle ID of your App.

Google iOS client ID

For Android, use Web Application type (don't use Android type). You can leave Authorized Origins and Redirect URIs blank.

Google Android client ID

For Web, use Web Application type.

webclient ID

Using a code or text editor, open /ensemble/ensemble-config.yaml and enter these credentials.

        iOSClientId: <iOS client ID here>
        androidClientId: <Android client ID here>
        webClientId: <Web client ID here>

Setting up iOS

On Google's API Console, open the OAuth client ID for iOS and look for the iOS URL Scheme under Additional Information.

Open /ios/Runner/Info.plist with a code editor, look for the block below and replace the value with your iOS URL Scheme.

    <!-- UPDATE for your Starter. Custom Scheme for OAuth -->
        <!-- Google Sign in, replace with your URL scheme -->

Setting up Android

There is no additional setup required for Android.

Setting up Web

In the web/index.html file, look for the block below and replace the value with your Web client ID.

<meta name="google-signin-client_id" content="">

Enable Auth service in Ensemble code

By default, Ensemble does not include the authentication module to avoid installing unnecessary packages. Here, we uncomment a few lines of code to get the necessary packages.

  • Under pubspec.yaml. Uncomment the Auth module block, then run flutter pub get.
  # Uncomment to enable Auth service
      ref: main
  • Uncomment and update the following lines in /lib/generated/ensemble_modules.dart. Try running it with flutter run
import 'package:ensemble_auth/auth_module.dart';
static const useAuth = true;    # set to true
if (useAuth) {
  // Uncomment to enable Auth service
} else {