Device Capabilities
Check Permission


checkPermission is designed to check the permission status. It includes components for checking notification, location, contacts, and camera permissions.

Inputs type: applicable types are notification, location, contacts, and camera.


  1. onAuthorized: Executes when the components permission to authorized. Updates the text of the component to "Authorized."

  2. onDenied: Executes when the components permission to denied. Updates the text of the component to "Denied."

  3. onNotDetermined: Executes when the components permission to not determined. Updates the text of the component to "Not Determined."

- Button:
    label: Notification Permission
        type: notification
        onAuthorized: |
            notificationStatus.text = "Authorized";
            console.log("onAuthorized called");
        onDenied: |
            notificationStatus.text = "Denied"
            console.log("onDenied called");
        onNotDetermined: |
            notificationStatus.text = "Not Determined"
            console.log("onNotDetermined called");

When a user taps the "Notification Permission" button, the app checks the notification permission status. Depending on the status, one of the specified callbacks (onAuthorized, onDenied, or onNotDetermined) is executed.