
Calendar widget

Kitchen Sink Example (opens in a new tab)

rowHeightSets the height of each row in the calendar to a specified value (120 in this case).
tooltipDisplays a tooltip with information about the focused date, providing guidance on interaction.
headerTextStyleDefines the text style for the calendar header, controlling its font size.
firstDaySets the first day of the calendar based on the current date.
rangeManages the selection of date ranges, allowing actions to be performed when a range is completed.
cellConfigures the style and alignment of individual calendar cells.
selectCellSpecifies the appearance of the selected cell in the calendar.
markCellDetermines the style of marked cells in the calendar.
todayCellCustomizes the appearance of cells representing the current date.
disableCellDefines the style of disabled cells in the calendar, typically with a line-through decoration.
rowSpansConfigures the display of events spanning across multiple days, providing a clickable button.

Row Span in detail

Row spans are widget, this widget span across multiple cell (Date).

datastringBind to an array of data from an API response or storgae
namestringSet the name to reference as you iterate through the array of data
spanSpan detail


startstring, DateTimeStarting date of span
endstring, DateTimeEnding date of span
widgetThe widget to render for each item


update()Refresh the calendar if required. Note calendar will automatically on calling any below functions
clearRange()Clear range entire range selection with this function.
selectCell(dates)Single Date (string, DateTime), List of Dates (string, DateTime)Mark given date as selected
selectStartEndCell(startDate, endDate)Start Date (string, DateTime), End Date (string, DateTime)Mark start, end and every date in between as selected
unSelectCell(dates)Single Date (string, DateTime), List of Dates (string, DateTime)Mark given date as un-selected
unSelectStartEndCell(startDate, endDate)Start Date (string, DateTime), End Date (string, DateTime)Mark start, end and every date in between as un-selected
toggleSelectCell(dates)Single Date (string, DateTime), List of Dates (string, DateTime)Toggle between selected and unselected with given dates
markCell(dates)Single Date (string, DateTime), List of Dates (string, DateTime)Mark given date as marked
markStartEndCell(startDate, endDate)Start Date (string, DateTime), End Date (string, DateTime)Mark start, end and every date in between as marked
unMarkCell(dates)Single Date (string, DateTime), List of Dates (string, DateTime)Mark given date as un-mark
unMarkStartEndCell(startDate, endDate)Start Date (string, DateTime), End Date (string, DateTime)Mark start, end and every date in between as un-marked
toggleMarkCell(dates)Single Date (string, DateTime), List of Dates (string, DateTime)Toggle between mark and unMark with given dates
disableCell(dates)Single Date (string, DateTime), List of Dates (string, DateTime)Mark given date as disable
disableCell(dates)Single Date (string, DateTime), List of Dates (string, DateTime)Mark given date as disable
enableCell(dates)Single Date (string, DateTime), List of Dates (string, DateTime)Mark given date as enabled
toggleDisableCell(dates)Single Date (string, DateTime), List of Dates (string, DateTime)Toggle between enable and disabled cells with given dates

Exploring the Kitchen Sink example (opens in a new tab), let's delve into the process that repeats as users interact with the app, triggering events and updating the UI based on the defined logic and configurations.

Upon the View's loading, we initiate the following code block:

      body: |- = generateEvents();

This loads in all hardcoded objects within the generateEvents() function, as outlined in the Global: |- block.

A notable quirk is encountered when dealing with bindings – setting storage to something (even itself) triggers them. The Calendar example illustrates this perfectly:

    body: |-
        var newEvent = {'start_date': calendar.rangeStart, 'end_date': calendar.rangeEnd, 'title': nameInput.value, 'detail': descInput.value};; =;

Here, we start by appending/pushing our new event into our array. However, to activate the binding for the updated array, we set it equal to itself, completing the cycle.