margininteger/stringMargin with CSS-style notation (1 to 4 integers) e.g. margin: 5 20 5
paddinginteger/stringPadding with CSS-style notation (1 to 4 integers) e.g. padding: 5 20 5
backgroundColorColorThe background color of this widget.
backgroundImageBackgroundImageThe background image of this widget.
backgroundGradientGradientThe background gradient of this widget.
borderBorderThe border of this widget.
shadowShadowThe shadow of this widget
clipContentbooleanSome widgets (such as Image) may bleed through the container when borderRadius is set. Use this to apply a clipping to ensure this does not happen.
widthintegerThe width of this widget.
heightintegerThe height of this widget.
borderRadiusstring or integerThe border radius of the widget. This can be specified using CSS-like notation with 1 to 4 integers. Minimum value: 0.
borderColorinteger or stringSets the border color, starting with '0xFF' for full opacity. Possible values: transparent, black, blue, white, red, grey, teal, amber, pink, purple, yellow, green, brown, cyan, indigo, lime, orange.
borderWidthintegerThickness of the border. Minimum value should be 0.
shadowColorinteger or stringSets the box shadow color starting with '0xFF' for full opacity. Possible values: transparent, black, blue, white, red, grey, teal, amber, pink, purple, yellow, green, brown, cyan, indigo, lime, orange.
shadowOffsetarrayThe values in the array define the horizontal and vertical offset of the shadow. Example: if the shadowOffset is set to [2, 4], the shadow will be offset by 2 pixels horizontally and 4 pixels vertically from its original position.
shadowRadiusstring or integerThe border radius of the widget. This can be specified using CSS-like notation with 1 to 4 integers. Minimum value: 0.
shadowStylestringThe blur style to apply on the shadow: normal, solid, outer, inner.